Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnaces’

The Furnace Filter: What It Does and Why It Needs to Be Regularly Changed

Monday, January 8th, 2024

One of the most common tips we give to our customers to improve the performance of their furnaces is to regularly change the filter. Looking to save money on heating costs? Change the filter. Want to ensure even heating throughout the house? Change the filter. Need to stop the furnace from overheating and tripping the circuit breaker? Change the filter. 

Although putting in a new filter isn’t the solution to all of these problems, it’s always the best place to start when troubleshooting. From experience, we know that many homeowners forget to regularly swap out the filters, leading to these problems. Today, we’d like to explore the furnace filter in more detail to help you understand why it’s so important to your home heating in Batavia, NY.

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Why a Furnace May Unevenly Heat a Home

Monday, November 6th, 2023

The goal when installing a furnace for a home is to ensure that the furnace is able to provide the necessary level of comfort throughout the living space. Although there will always be some temperature fluctuations around the rooms (such as due to difference in insulation), the furnace shouldn’t create uneven levels of warmth, with cold spots in some areas.

However, uneven heating is one of the more common problems people face with their furnaces during the winter. You may find yourself dealing with this problem, and the best way to solve it is to call our technicians for heating repair in Bergen County, NY. To give you a better sense of what you might be dealing with, we’re going to discuss the most common reasons for uneven heating from a furnace.

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How Long Does a Furnace Last in New York?

Monday, February 14th, 2022

New York winters can put a great strain on any home heating system, so you might wonder how long you can expect your current furnace to last.

The good news is that furnaces are built to stand up to the type of weather New York can hurl at them during the winter, and the life expectancy for a gas or electric furnace is approximately the same as in most parts of the US that have cold winters. Let’s go deeper into the question of how long your furnace will last, when to replace it, and what to expect when that time comes.

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