Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing Maintenance’

Turning On Your Outside Water

Monday, April 8th, 2024

As winter gradually loosens its grip and temperatures start to climb, homeowners in Rochester, NY begin to prepare their outdoor spaces for the warmer seasons.

One crucial task on this checklist is turning on the outside water supply, which was shut off or winterized to prevent freezing during the colder months. We have recommended 6 easy steps below. If you encounter any problems during the process of turning on your outside water, don’t hesitate to contact Triple-O Mechanical for assistance.

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Important Information About Winterizing Your Pipes

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Although winter may still seem far off, the cold weather may strike much sooner than you anticipate. We recommend that you take advantage of the fall weather to begin the all-important step of protecting the plumbing system in your home from the dangers of winter. Without winterizing your pipes, you’ll be at the mercy of damaging pipe freeze and pipes bursting.

It doesn’t take too much to get your plumbing winter ready, and our plumbers in Rochester, NY are ready to assist you with several of these jobs when you need the professional touch.

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Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Nobody wants to receive a shock when they look at their monthly water bills. Most homes get in a rhythm with their water use that only fluctuates slightly from month to month, so an abrupt rise in bills will stand out. 

Why is this happening? Why is your house suddenly sucking up water like the desert sands? There may be some bad habits your household has taken on—we’ll get to those. But first, we want to look at a common source of massive water bills that many homes encounter: hidden water leaks from neglected plumbing. 

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