Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Maintenance’

The Furnace Filter: What It Does and Why It Needs to Be Regularly Changed

Monday, January 8th, 2024

One of the most common tips we give to our customers to improve the performance of their furnaces is to regularly change the filter. Looking to save money on heating costs? Change the filter. Want to ensure even heating throughout the house? Change the filter. Need to stop the furnace from overheating and tripping the circuit breaker? Change the filter. 

Although putting in a new filter isn’t the solution to all of these problems, it’s always the best place to start when troubleshooting. From experience, we know that many homeowners forget to regularly swap out the filters, leading to these problems. Today, we’d like to explore the furnace filter in more detail to help you understand why it’s so important to your home heating in Batavia, NY.

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High Heating Costs? You May Have a Malfunctioning Heating System

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Did you feel panicked the last time you looked at your utility bills? With cold weather already here and your heating system running regularly, there’s a good chance that it’s your heater that’s at fault for bills going through the roof. 

Yes, you can expect to see higher bills as soon as your heater starts its routine winter work—but when you see unusually high bills, it often means that there is trouble with the heater. Many different types of malfunctions in furnaces and heat pumps will result in a larger drain on energy. In this post, we’ll explore how these various malfunctions can lead to increased utility bills. More importantly, we’ll underscore the significance of swift heating repair in Bergen County by professionals. We’re the heating pros you can trust in the area to solve any malfunction.

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It’s Time to Schedule Residential Heater Maintenance!

Monday, October 9th, 2023

We don’t want to alarm you, but we’re already well into the fall, and that means winter will arrive before most of us think hard enough about how to prepare for it. We don’t want you to end up with a disaster like a broken heating system in the middle of another freezing New York winter, which is why we always stress with our customers the importance of scheduling residential maintenance in Rochester, NY during the fall.

Maintenance helps your heating system out in several vital ways. We’ll go through the most important benefits and how working with our skilled technicians each fall will save you money and keep your family happy and healthy during the winter.

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Tips to Keep Your Gas Furnace Running Safely

Monday, December 5th, 2022

As we settle in for the winter holiday season, we’ll also settle in with our home heating systems. This is a good time to talk about how to heat your home safely with a gas furnace. The modern gas furnace is constructed with many safety features and, for the most part, you won’t have to worry that your gas furnace is inherently unsafe for your home. However, neglect of maintenance and failure to follow some basic safety precautions elevate the risk of operating a gas furnace. 

We want you and your family to enjoy a warm and safe winter this year, so we’ve listed several important tips to keep your gas furnace operating safely.

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How You Can Cut Down on Your Winter Heating Costs

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Another winter, another season of using your heater to help you and your family make it through the cold weather and enjoy cozy times indoors. You may also think of this as a time with higher energy costs and occasionally scary utility bills.

We won’t lie: heating a home costs money, especially in a place that can get as cold as Rochester during the winter. But those high heating costs you pay may be higher than they need to be. We’re experts at handling home heating in Rochester, and we have some tips on ways to reduce your heating costs this winter and every winter to come.

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Triple O’s Guide to Furnace Maintenance

Monday, March 7th, 2022

We’re not exaggerating when we say that regular maintenance for your HVAC systems is the most vital service we offer. It is also one of the best investments you can make in your home comfort. You’ll want maintenance for both your heating and cooling systems.

In this post, we’ll spotlight maintenance for your furnace: why it’s important, what it involves, when to have it done, and the best way to have our team do it. 

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Heating Maintenance Is What You Need This Fall

Monday, November 15th, 2021

We don’t need to tell you that winters in Rochester can be tough. The heating system in your home is vital for your family making it through the season in cozy comfort. And regular maintenance is vital for your heating system making it through the season without surprise breakdowns, unexpected repair costs, and energy-wasting performance.

Professional maintenance isn’t a task you can have done “every few years.” With the amount of work your heating system does each winter, it needs to have experts inspect, clean, and tune it up every year. Fall is the best time to have it done: the heater will be ready just in time for the cold and you can take advantage of a slower time for HVAC professionals. 

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