Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Replacement’

Electronic Ignition and Your Furnace: An Important Story

Monday, February 19th, 2024

When you think of gas furnaces, what comes to mind first? It might be the pilot light, that steady flame that stays ready throughout the winter to light burners as soon as the gas starts to flow…

But the standing pilot light is (mostly) a relic of the past. Modern furnaces have jettisoned the pilot light in favor of electronic ignition systems. We work with furnaces in Batavia, NY of all types, including older furnaces that use pilot lights. We can explain to you why electronic ignition took over and why it’s beneficial. Since you probably have an electronic ignition furnace, you’ll learn some important facts about it.

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Time for a New Heating System? How to Choose the Right One

Monday, November 20th, 2023

With winter closing in, you may find yourself in a situation where you have to replace your old central heater. That’s a big job, although when you work with our skilled technicians for a heating installation in Rochester, NY, it will go smoothly. 

Part of what makes getting a new heating system complicated is what type of heater to get. There are multiple central heater options, as well as choices for efficiency and system size. We’re going to look into the best way to find the right heating system for you.

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Why a Furnace May Unevenly Heat a Home

Monday, November 6th, 2023

The goal when installing a furnace for a home is to ensure that the furnace is able to provide the necessary level of comfort throughout the living space. Although there will always be some temperature fluctuations around the rooms (such as due to difference in insulation), the furnace shouldn’t create uneven levels of warmth, with cold spots in some areas.

However, uneven heating is one of the more common problems people face with their furnaces during the winter. You may find yourself dealing with this problem, and the best way to solve it is to call our technicians for heating repair in Bergen County, NY. To give you a better sense of what you might be dealing with, we’re going to discuss the most common reasons for uneven heating from a furnace.

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Should You Replace Your Gas Furnace Before Winter?

Monday, October 16th, 2023

You understand how important the gas furnace in your home is for your family’s comfort and safety during the winter. With temperatures frequently dropping below freezing in the Rochester area, you can’t afford to have a furnace that’s in shaky condition and may fail when you need it the most.

Scheduling professional maintenance for your gas furnace will help prevent the majority of breakdown concerns. But maintenance cannot keep a furnace going forever, and you need to know when the time has come to have your old furnace replaced and schedule a new heating installation in Batavia, NY. Winter hasn’t reached us yet, so if you have concerns about your furnace’s future, now is the time to make the choice about replacement. 

We’ll help guide you through making the choice below, but the best way to get answers is to schedule an appointment with our technicians to examine your furnace. We’ll tell you if it’s time for a replacement.

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How Long Does a Furnace Last in New York?

Monday, February 14th, 2022

New York winters can put a great strain on any home heating system, so you might wonder how long you can expect your current furnace to last.

The good news is that furnaces are built to stand up to the type of weather New York can hurl at them during the winter, and the life expectancy for a gas or electric furnace is approximately the same as in most parts of the US that have cold winters. Let’s go deeper into the question of how long your furnace will last, when to replace it, and what to expect when that time comes.

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