Triple-O Heating, Cooling, Electrical & Plumbing Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning System Repair’

When Is an AC Repair an Emergency?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

A functioning air conditioning system is essential for keeping you safe and comfortable during the hot summer weather. But when your AC system isn’t working, how do you know when central AC repair in Rochester, NY is an emergency and when it’s an issue that can wait? 

Understanding what constitutes an AC emergency and knowing when to call a professional HVAC company is essential for preventing more damage to your system as well as safeguarding your home and family. Let’s go over some examples of when it’s best to call us for a prompt AC repair. 

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The Advantage of a Family Owned HVAC Company

Monday, March 11th, 2024

You may know Triple-O Mechanical has a long history of serving families with HVAC repair in the Greater Rochester, NY area since 2003, but did you also know that we also are a family owned business? That’s right. Here are some of the advantages that come with being family owned and local.

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How Cool Can My AC Make My Home?

Monday, August 7th, 2023

When the summer heat rises, do you rush to your thermostat and crank it down low? This seems like the natural reaction, but we don’t recommend pushing the thermostat setting down too far: it leads to unnecessary energy waste and it pushes the limits of your AC, possibly leading it to freeze. Our recommended energy-saving temperature setting is 78°F during the day when people are home and never setting it lower than 68°F.

This does bring up a good question: what are the cooling limitations of an AC? How cool can you make your home with your air conditioning system? We’ll get into your AC’s limits and how you can stay within them to avoid air conditioning repair in Rochester, NY.

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Air Conditioning Considerations For Older Homes

Monday, July 17th, 2023

We’re going to have an intensely hot summer this year—and certainly next year as well. Homeowners need to rely heavily on their central air conditioning systems in order to get through the heat in both comfort and safety. 

Older homes face different challenges when it comes to air conditioning systems. Today we’re going to examine some of the common issues that vintage homes have to deal with, along with tips for AC upgrades and AC repair in Bergen, NY that will help you ensure that your older home stays both cool and energy efficient when the outside temperature rises into the red.

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The 50% Rule on Air Conditioner Replacement

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Is it time for an AC replacement in Rochester, NY? Air conditioning systems won’t last forever, but you may find yourself facing a dilemma about whether to have your aging air conditioner repaired or go ahead with the replacement. A repair is obviously a less expensive option in the moment, but it may still be too expensive to justify for an older air conditioner that will probably need a replacement within several years.

To help you get a broad sense of when a replacement is the better choice, we’re going to examine the “50% Rule” that often comes in handy in “repair or replace?” situations.

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Sounds That May Mean an Impending HVAC Catastrophe

Monday, March 27th, 2023

The title of this post may sound a touch extreme, but if you find yourself in the middle of a heat wave with a malfunctioning air conditioning system, the word “catastrophe” will probably leap to your mind quickly. 

Fortunately, if you do have a busted AC or heater, you’re already in good hands because you’ve arrived here. 

But we’d also like to help you predict when you’ve got an HVAC system cruising for disaster. It’s much better to call us before you’ve got a heating or cooling emergency on your hands, after all!

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Why Does My AC System Run Nonstop?

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

When the heat gets intense, the idea of an air conditioning system running all the time sounds nice. Of course, you know you can’t have a nonstop air conditioner—it’s a huge waste of money and eventually the house will become too cold. 

So if you notice that your air conditioning system seems to run in cycles that are longer than it normal, it’s a problem. There may be a simple reason for your runaway air conditioner, or you may need to schedule AC service in Brockport, NY with our technicians to have it repaired. Below we’ll look at some of the possible reasons you’ve got an air conditioner that won’t stop when you want it to.

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Why Is My AC System Overheating?

Monday, July 25th, 2022

Have you recently had the ability to cool your home interrupted because the circuit breaker for the air conditioner suddenly tripped? If this continues to happen, it means you have an AC that’s overheating and overloading the circuit. Essentially what’s occurring is that the air conditioner is working harder than it should.

Under normal use, even in the middle of hot weather, the AC shouldn’t overheat. When it does, it’s because of a problem with it that you’ll need to address.

These are the four most common reasons for an overheating air conditioner:

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Replace vs. Repair for My AC System

Monday, May 30th, 2022

This is an evergreen debate in the world of home comfort: when is it time to repair an old air conditioning system, and when is it time to replace it? 

No HVAC system will last forever, but proper maintenance and prompt repairs can get most air conditioning systems to last for 10 to 15 years. It’s when your AC reaches this age range that you’ll want to start balancing out the benefits of repairing the system and the benefits of installing a new one. We offer both AC repair in Bergen, NY and AC replacement in Bergen, NY, and we’re your best source for determining the specific service you need. Below, we’ll offer some more information to help you think about the “repair vs. replace” question.

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6 Signs You Need an AC Repair in Rochester

Monday, May 2nd, 2022

Air conditioning systems rarely fail without giving off some warning. That’s good news because you never want to find yourself trapped with a busted AC during the hottest time of the year.

We offer AC repair in Rochester that will rescue your cooling system before it has a chance to break down. But you’ll need to know the signs to watch for. We’ve listed six of the most common warning signs of an AC in distress that needs our help.

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